Upper Mustang Trek - 17 Days

Trekking to the Forbidden regions of Nepal - The Upper Mustang !
Upper Mustang Trek
What to see & doSpecific information about Upper Mustang Trek - 17 Days
  • Duration17 Days
  • Trip Grade Moderate
  • Max Altitude 3840m
  • Starts at Kathmandu
  • Ends at Kathmandu
  • Trip Style Lodge to Lodge Trek
  • Group Size 10
  • Transportation Tourist Bus and Flights
  • Best Season March, April, May, June, July, August, Sept, Oct, Nov

Located beyond the Himalayas, Upper Mustang is a land of unconventional natural beauty and great cultural significance. The trek to the Upper Mustang is unlike any other. It is an adventurous journey to the mystical and restricted area of Nepal, Lo Manthang - the lost kingdom of Mustang. The 17 days Upper Mustang Trek is an experience that will take you back in time amidst rich history and barren landscape. Surrounded by glistening snow-capped Himalayan mountains and barren hills, Upper Mustang is one of the most beautiful places in Nepal.

Artistic monasteries, white-washed houses, green meadows, fields of barley & wheat, and the unique attire of the locals with their big bright smiles all together make a heart-warming view. This isolated region of the trans-Himalayan mountains borders Tibet and is distinctly Tibetan in both people and culture, as well as in the dry, high-cliff scenery with peculiarly shaped and colored rocks. As the entire region was closed to foreigners for a long period of time, everything is the same as it used to be decades ago. The paintings and sculptures in the monasteries along with relics are the keys to the history of this remote land.

The Upper Mustang Trek route follows the trade route between Nepal-Tibet and offers dry naturally carved sandstone pillars & discontinuous moraine terraces. The trail is almost treeless and infertile. Strong winds are one of the things that you have to overcome during the trek. As you reach Lo Manthang- the capital of Mustang, you see high walls built by the former king to protect his kingdom. A big part of this thrilling journey is taking in the panoramic vistas of Nilgiri, Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, and other mountains.

Being a restricted area with an expensive permit, Upper Mustang receives only a handful of trekkers making the trail less crowded. Trekking to Upper Mustang is a privilege that only a few get. The dry air makes the comparatively high altitude (3,000–3,800 m) of the journey even more intense. While people who were born at this altitude have no trouble traveling quickly, tourists have to hike slowly to avoid any altitude-related issues. The trek involves walking 5 to 7 hours a day on average, and some trails are especially dusty and windy.

The Upper Mustang trekking starts with your arrival in Kathmandu. After spending a day touring the important monuments of Kathmandu, you will drive to Pokhara from Kathmandu on the third day of the trip. The next morning, you fly to Jomsom early in the morning and begin trekking towards Kagbeni. Further, passing through several villages like Chele, Syangbochen, Ghami & Charang, the trail takes you to Lo Manthang. Spending a couple of nights here, you trek back to Jomsom, fly to Pokhara, and take a bus ride to Kathmandu.

Book this adventurous journey with us, Outfitter Nepal Treks and Expedition, for extensive service in the remote location of Upper Mustang. You can check the favorable departure dates for Upper Mustang Trek, or contact us if our dates do not suit your preferences. We would love to organize a private trek to the Upper Mustang for you as per your needs.

Best Features of the Upper Mustang Trek

  • Sightseeing tours of historical UNESCO World Heritage sites in Kathmandu
  • Scenic mountain flight from Pokhara to Jomsom and back 
  • Hiking the amazing Trans Himalayan Caravan Route trails
  • Visit historical places including Kagbeni and Lo-Manthang’s secret kingdom
  • Stunning Himalayan vistas of the Annapurna I, Dhaulagiri, Nilgiri, and Tilicho
  • Touring the natural caverns where the monks in the area once practiced meditation
  • Wandering through several Gompas, chortens, prayer flags in the air, and caverns with a spiritual sense
  • Observe firsthand how Tibetan culture has influenced the area's residents and their daily life
  • Chance to experience the Upper Mustang's most auspicious holiday, the Tiji Celebration
  • Stroll around freely without worrying about the rain as it is a rain shadow location
  • Free time to explore the stunning natural and cultural sites of Pokhara

What trekking permits are required for the restricted Upper Mustang Trek?

Upper Mustang was closed to any foreign visitor up until 1992 to protect and preserve its rich culture and raw nature. Now, you have to get special permission from the government to go on a trek in this region. Announcing the entire region into a restricted area has helped a lot to maintain the ecosystem, lifestyle, and practices there.

One requires a Restricted Area Permit (RAP) to trek to Upper Mustang. The permit is expensive to get, and only a handful of visitors travel to Upper Mustang every year. It cost USD 500 for the first 10 days. After that, each day will cost USD 50. Plus, you will only get this permit if you are traveling with a local trekking agency and you must be at least 2 foreign trekkers accompanied by a licensed trekking guide.

In addition, you should also get an Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) Entry Permit which will cost USD 30 per person for any number of days. If you book the trek with us, we take care of all your permits. The cost is also inclusive of the permits.

How difficult is the 17-day Upper Mustang Trek?

Being a moderately difficult trek, this hike to Upper Mustang requires careful planning and packing. The area has a challenging terrain, lengthy paths, and a high-altitude landscape passing over 3500 meters. Trekkers must, therefore, possess the necessary strength, endurance, and stamina to successfully finish the walk. This trail has fewer obstacles, which makes it perfect for an amazing hiking experience. In comparison to other popular hikes, the paths are generally safe and uncomplicated. However, there are also parts of this journey that require an intense ascent and deep descent.

To successfully accomplish this expedition, you must be properly prepared—both psychologically and physically. It takes about 6-7 hours of walking per day during the Upper Mustang trekking journey. In high altitude conditions, this demanding hike calls for strong trekking stamina. Some hikers may find the area's topography challenging because it is extremely dry, resembling a mountain desert. To top it off, adequate training is necessary prior to this isolated location excursion.

Altitude sickness is one of the challenging aspects. Higher heights are typically associated with decreased oxygen concentrations, which is why acute mountain sickness is expected. Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headaches, sleeplessness, fever, dizziness, and shortness of breath can all result from this. Managing altitude sickness on these hikes requires consistent hydration, acclimatization, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep. As soon as trekkers experience serious signs of altitude sickness, they must immediately descend to a lower altitude.

What does a typical day on the Upper Mustang Trek look like?

Every day brings with it a new trekking adventure. You will be exploring the nearby villages, snapping pictures, and soaking in the landscape. Throughout the walk, you will have our knowledgeable, amiable guides by your side. They will also provide you with details on the locations you will be hiking. Porters will also be a part of our trekking crew to help with luggage handling. However, we anticipate that you will pack a small everyday bag with necessary and valuable objects that you carry yourself. 

We have a hot cup of tea or coffee first thing every morning. Depending on the length and type of the hike, we set out for the day's adventure between 7 and 8 AM after a hearty breakfast. The mountains appear all around us as we take in the desert-like scenery with gompas (Buddhist shrines), mani walls (Buddhist texts carved into stone walls), and prayer flags. There are interesting caverns to explore in addition to the breathtaking mountains. 

After 3 to 4 hours of trekking, we will provide lunch around midday at a tea house on the way to the day’s destination. We will resume our stroll after an hour of rest following lunch. The trek in the afternoon lasts between 2 and 3 hours. You can eat the additional dietary food like energy bars and chocolates brought by you as a snack when we get to our overnight accommodation, tea house, or tent. After settling in your tea house room, you can rest or tour the area until nightfall.

Dinner is served between 6-7 PM. You can engage in friendly conversations and talk about the day's events after dinner and before bed. The schedule for the next day will be explained to you by your trek leader or guide. You can read books, watch films on mountaineering, or play games like Monopoly and cards after this briefing. The majority of visitors enjoy picking up simple Nepalese vocabulary from our staff. 

Major Attractions of the Upper Mustang Trek

Scenic flights in/out of Jomsom

Jomsom is the starting point of the Upper Mustang Trek. We can drive to Jomsom from kathmandu which takes a long time, so, instead, we drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara first and take a short and scenic flight from Pokhara that leads to Jomsom. During the flight, you can see an aerial view of the lush green hills, rivers, small settlements, and most importantly, the Himalayan mountains entirely covered in snow. It’s like going on a mountain flight. 

Gorgeous landscape and stunning Himalayan mountain views

The Upper Mustang Trek presents a dry, barren, and arid landscape. The big meadows, unique rocks, and barren hills all together create scenery, unlike any other place. Likewise, the white-washed houses add a splash of color to its surroundings. Similarly, the Himalayan mountains like Annapurna range (8,091 m), Mt. Dhaulagiri (8,167 m), Mt. Nilgiri (7,061 m), Mt. Tukuche (6,920 m), and many other mountains increases the beauty of the region.

Following the ancient salt caravan route

Upper Mustang used to be the trade route between Nepal and Tibet back in time. Locals from both nations used this route to move in and out of each place carrying goods from one place to another. As it was difficult to grow crops in the infertile land of Tibet, they used to trade salt available there with grains from Nepal. During the trek, you will follow the same ancient salt caravan route that once used to trade salt for grain. 

The last forbidden kingdom, Lo Manthang

Lo Manthang, the walled city is the capital of the Mustang region. Stepping into Lo Manthang is like stepping into a completely different world from what we live in. It is like traveling back in time, where you will see narrow alleyways, hidden chortens, long mani walls, ancient prayer wheels, and herds of animals in the huge open fields. There is a lot to explore in Lo Manthang. The royal palace, where still the royal family resides, Thugchen Gompa built in the 15th century, the Amchi museum, and the Amchi school are the places you must visit in Lo Manthang. Amchi is a traditional Tibetan doctor who is also the official doctor of the king.

Ancient culture & tradition

The Upper Mustang Trek offers to closely observe the rich culture and tradition of the locals that are handed from one generation to another over decades. People residing in this region are mostly Lobas and follow Tibetan Buddhism called Bonpo. Locals here call themselves descendants of Tibetans, therefore you get to see the influence of Tibetan Buddhism in their culture, tradition, and lifestyle. 

Visiting Namgyal Gompa & Tingkhar

Namgyal Gompa & Tingkhar are some of the main attractions of the Upper Mustang Trek. Namgyal Gompa is located on a hilltop and is a very important monastery in the region and serves as a local court. After visiting this gompa, you head to the last village of the region located northwest of Lo Manthang, Tingkhar, for a short excursion. Visiting the Tingkar village gives you the opportunity to witness the century-old local customs and traditions closely. 

Small monasteries & centuries-old caves

Outside of Lo Manthang, you can visit Chhoser, where you’ll find a small old monastery. You will also get to see century-old caves situated on high rocks. Moreover, you can see caves in other places as well during the Upper Mustang trek. The whole region is decorated with an abundance of small monasteries, chortens, mani walls, and prayer flags, that look beautiful and add spiritual value to your trekking journey.

ItineraryTrip day to day detail itinerary

When you arrive at Kathmandu International Airport, our airport representative will greet you at the arrival gate and accompany you to your hotel in Thamel. You have the rest of the day to relax and get ready for this amazing journey. You can stroll around the streets of Thamel, a well-known tourist destination, in the evening. There are several trekking equipment stores if you have any last-minute shopping to do before heading out for the trek. Or, you can spend a relaxing evening with a few drinks at a bar.

  • Max. Altitude: 1350m/4429ft
  • Accommodation: Hotel

On the second day of the trip, you will go on a guided sightseeing tour in Kathmandu Valley. During the tour, you will visit 4 major tourist attractions of Kathmandu: Pashupatinath Temple, Bouddhnath Stupa, Swayambhunath Temple, and Kathmandu Durbar Square. Pashupatinath is a renowned Hindu Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva and is always busy with Indian and Nepali devotees. Only a few kilometers away from Pashupatinath is Bouddhanath Stupa, a giant Buddhist stupa encircled by prayer wheels. Swayambhunath is another important Buddhist temple on a small hilltop inside the valley. Likewise, Kathmandu Durbar Square is a former royal palace, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a museum.

While you are on tour, we will arrange the necessary permits required for the trek. You will also meet your trekking guide today. You can spend the evening leisurely and enjoy the nightlife of Thamel. If you haven’t yet gotten the trekking supplies, this is the time for it.

  • Max. Altitude: 1350m/4429ft
  • Meals: Breakfst
  • Accommodation: Hotel

After breakfast at your hotel in Kathmandu, your trekking guide will meet you at the hotel and lead you to the bus station to catch a bus for Pokhara. Driving along the Trishuli and Marshyangdi Rivers on a scenic route, you will reach Pokhara after 7 to 8 hours of bus ride. Pokhara is a tourist's paradise full of natural as well as cultural heritage sites such as lakes, caves, and temples of Buddhists and Hindus along with spectacular mountain views. Once you check in to your hotel, you can head out to Lakeside for an amazing evening.
Option: If you are interested in rafting, you have the option to take 3 hours rafting in Trisuli River on the way to Pokhara. You do not need an extra day to do this as we can stop in between, do the rafting, and continue on our journey.


  • Max. Altitude: 827m/2713ft
  • Meals: Breakfast
  • Elevation Loss: 523m/1716ft
  • Accommodation: Mountain Lodge

After a quick breakfast at your hotel in Pokhara, you take an early morning flight to Jomsom. The flight will be short but scenic. Once we land in Jomsom, we begin our trek towards Kagbeni. First, you will cross a suspension bridge and trek along the Kali Gandaki river bank. The trail is quite barren with craggy rocks and sand and is mostly flat, which makes the hike very easygoing. Likewise, the trail is picturesque as you get to see superb views of Mt. Nilgiri, Mt. Dhaulagiri, and Mt. Tukuche on the way. Once we reach Kagbeni and settle in at our lodge, we can explore this little but unique settlement of Kagbeni, with its walled passageways and odd clay effigies adorning the walls. 

  • Max. Altitude: Jomsom (2720m/8924ft) and trek to Kagbeni (2810m/9219ft)
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • Elevation Gain: 1,083m/3,556
  • Accommodation: Mountain Lodge

Today, we enter Upper Mustang. We start our hike after an early breakfast to avoid the afternoon wind. The trail climbs through rocky terrain alongside the Kali Gandaki River. After several hours of hiking, we will reach the village of Tangbe, inhabiting the Kang Monastery and many caves. The village has a number of chortens and stone-paved homes painted white surrounded by amazing orchards of apples, barley, and buckwheat. We have our lunch at Tangbe and continue our journey crossing several suspension bridges and watching the magnificent views of Mt. Nilgiri and other mountains. The trail climbs steeply before it reaches Chele, where we lodge in a teahouse.

  • Max. Altitude: 2920m/9580ft
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • Elevation Gain: 110m/361ft
  • Accommodation: Mountain Lodge

Hiking gets a little more difficult today as we cross the 3,624-meter Taklam La climb and the 3,735-meter Darjori La pass. To distract us from our weary legs, however, there are breathtaking views of the mountains and fascinating caves along the route. The trail begins with a strenuous ascent uphill. You will be trekking through diverse and amazing landscapes, such as steep canyons. One such steep canyon leads to a village, Samar.

From Samar, you will follow your track up a ridge to a village. You will then drop once more to a vast gorge and reach a valley full of beautiful juniper trees. After that, you'll cross a river and climb one last time to reach the mountain pass, then keep going downhill, which will bring you to a little village. After a few hours of walking from the village, we will arrive at Syangbochen, where we will spend the night.

  • Max. Altitude: 3290m/10791ft
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • Elevation Gain: 370m/1213ft
  • Accommodation: Mountain Lodge

Along with chortens and beautiful towns to see with their barley fields, we have another 2 huge passes to cross today: the Yamada La (3850 m) and Nyi Pass (4010 m). Your journey will begin in Syangbochen hiking through the stunning scenery of the area. Enjoy breathtaking views of the Kali Gandaki gorge and mountains during this ascent. After that, you'll traverse a number of the local communities, like Tamagaon, Chhunggar, and Jhaite. The region's trails offer breathtaking vistas of mountains covered in snow until we reach Ghami, which is the pace for today’s overnight stay.

  • Max. Altitude: 3570m/11712ft
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • Elevation Gain: 280m/918ft
  • Accommodation: Mountain Lodge

Starting off on uneven and occasionally slick terrain, today's hike first descends to a suspension bridge spanning the Ghami Khola. The trail then crosses the Charang La Pass (3,870m) and passes along mani walls, which are stone walls with Tibetan mantras engraved into the stone. The settlement of Charang is located at the summit of the Charang Chu canyon. This quaint mountain village offers views of snow-capped peaks in every direction. To the east of this village are a crimson gompa and an ancient fort. After lunch, there's plenty of time to explore the village. We’ll stay the night at Charang today.

  • Max. Altitude: Ghami (3460m/11352ft) via Ghami La (3765m/12349ft)
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • Elevation Gain: 305m /1000ft
  • Elevation Loss: 305m/1000ft
  • Accommodation: Mountain Lodge

Today’s hike takes us to the former capital of Kingdom Lo and our trek’s destination, Lo Manthang. Before embarking on your journey to Lo Manthang, you will explore the large monastery in Charang. The trail ascends above the valley to a large isolated chorten that marks the boundary between Charang and Lo. After descending into a canyon and crossing a river, we reach the summit of Lo La Pass (3950 m), from where we get the first glimpse of Lo Manthang. The King of Lo used to reside in this walled settlement, which is currently the site of numerous fascinating and vibrant Buddhist celebrations. The surrounding mountains, which include Bhrikuti Peak, Annapurna I, Nilgiri, and Tilicho, add to the ambiance of the area.

  • Max. Altitude: 3560m/11680ft
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • Elevation Gain: 100m/328ft
  • Accommodation: Mountain Lodge

Today, you explore the surrounding areas of Lo Manthang. The 6-meter wall is one of its most noticeable and appealing features. Beautiful towers can be found throughout the walled city of Lo-Manthang. Numerous sites with cultural and religious value can also be seen within this fortified city. Visit Namgyal Gompa and Tingkhar in Lo Manthang. Namgyal Gompa situated on a hilltop serves as an important monastery of the local community, and also as a local court. After visiting Namgyal Gompa continue the tour to Tingkhar, the last main village to the northwest of Lo-Manthang.

Other significant landmarks include the Thubchen Monastery, King's Palace, museum, Jampa Monastery, locations of Thangka paintings, and others. This region still has about 900 Lo families residing in it. Instead of moving to other areas, this particular group of Lo marries members of their own community. The kind of Tibetan Buddhism they follow is called Bonpo.


  • Max. Altitude: 3840m/12598ft
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • Elevation Gain: 280m/918ft
  • Accommodation: Mountain Lodge

Following our exploration of Lo-Manthang's stunning sites, we resume our journey with a strenuous climb to Chogo La (4,230m). You will have a fantastic adventure along the amazing mountain pass that runs across the area. We'll then follow the path that takes you to Lo Gekar after traversing the mountain pass. The main draw of Lo Gekar is the Ghar Gompa and its beautiful rock paintings. Following that, the trail leads to Muila Bhanjyang, where you may enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding mountain range. Lastly, the course leads you to the stunning village of Dhamkar where you will spend the night at a teahouse.

  • Max. Altitude: 3840m/12598ft
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • Accommodation: Mountain Lodge

As usual, the day hike begins from Dhamkar after a warm morning breakfast. The trail first drops down to Ghami Village. While ascending past earlier trails, you will reach Nya La Pass and then hike down to Jhaite. Once you reach Jhaite, you will eat lunch, rest for a while, and proceed to Syangbochen. After several hours of hiking, you will arrive at Syangboche, where you will spend the night again at a teahouse.

  • Max. Altitude: 3460m/11352ft
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • Elevation Loss: 380m/1247ft
  • Accommodation: Mountain Lodge

Today’s hike passes by a number of the area's most significant monuments, including the well-known Ranching Chungs Cave. Buddhist pilgrims value this cave greatly as a historical site. Legend has it that Guru Rinpoche meditated in this cave sometime in the 8th century. After your exploration of the cave, you will cross Djong La Pass and Taklam La, and descend along the trail to the river, then again climb uphill. Eventually, we will reach Samara, where we will have lunch and rest for a while before descending to Chhusang Village for a few hours. We will be staying at a guesthouse in Chhusang tonight.

  • Max. Altitude: (3290m/10791ft
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • Elevation Loss: 170m/557ft
  • Accommodation: Mountain Lodge

We bid adieu to Upper Mustang today and make our way into the lower reaches of the area at Jomson, also known as Lower Mustang. On our last trekking day, we start from Chhusang after breakfast and reach Kagbeni for lunch. This time, we will explore the town a little more and look back warmly up the Kali Gandaki gorge to the Kingdom of Lo, where we had spent the last 9 days. As we make our way from Kagbeni to Jomson, our journey actually rejoins the Annapurna Circuit journey. We spend the night at a mountain lodge in Jomsom.

  • Max. Altitude: 2810m/9219ft
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • Elevation Loss: 480m/1575ft
  • Accommodation: Mountain Lodge

We get up early today in order to make the early flight to Pokhara. Now that we have seen the mountains from every aspect, they appear to have an additional meaning for us.

Once you have settled into your Pokhara hotel, you are free to explore the city. Go for a boat ride or kayaking in Phewa Lake, and visit the World Peace Stupa and other cultural and natural sites of Pokhara. In the evening, you can shop for some souvenirs in Lakeside. Maybe you want to celebrate the end of your trek with a few drinks and some dancing, given the area's lively bars and nightlife. Or just spend a peaceful evening by the lake.

  • Max. Altitude: 2720m/8924ft
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • Elevation Loss: 90m/295ft
  • Accommodation: Mountain Lodge

We head back to Kathmandu, saying farewell to Fishtail and the Annapurnas. Get some rest on the road since you'll want to come to your farewell dinner tonight to celebrate the conclusion of your adventurous trek to Upper Mustang. Prior to that, you have time to stroll around Thamel, go shopping again, have a massage, or enjoy a cup of coffee at one of the many eateries and cafés in the area.

  • Max. Altitude: 827m/2713ft
  • Meals: Breakfast
  • Elevation Loss: 1893m/6201ft
  • Accommodation: Hotel

On the last day of your trip, you will be transferred to the international airport at your scheduled time for your final departure to your loving home or your next destination.

We hope you had a pleasant trekking journey with us. Remember us for your upcoming trips to Nepal. Have a safe flight!

  • Max. Altitude: 1350m/4429ft
  • Meals: Breakfast
  • Elevation Loss: 523m/1716ft
  • Accommodation: Hotel
Customize Trip
Cost DetailsGood to know before trip booking
What's Included
  • All the airport transfers.
  • 3 nights’ hotel in Kathmandu including breakfast.
  • 2 nights’ hotel in Pokhara breakfast.
  • Kathmandu sightseeing tour.
  • Transport by tourist bus from Kathmandu to Pokhara and return.
  • Flight fare with domestic airport tax from Pokhara to Jomsom and return.
  • All the accommodation in tea house/lodge during the trek.
  • Meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) during the trek.
  • All the needed trekking permits, special permits and TIMS permit.
  • Trekking guide and porter.
  • Salary, food, drinks, accommodation, transportation and insurance for the guide and porters.
  • Arrangement of emergency helicopter service which will be paid by your travel insurance company.
  • Sleeping bag, down jackets, duffel bags - if necessary.
What's not Included
  • Nepal entry visa fee (you may easily issue the visa upon your arrival at Tribhuwan International Airport - Kathmandu).
  • Your Travel insurance (compulsory).
  • Food while you are in Kathmandu and Pokhara.
  • Your personal expenses and entrance fees while you do the tour in Kathmandu.
  • All the alcoholic, non alcoholic drinks and Sweet things like chocolate.
  • Hot shower / batteries charge / heater during the trek.
  • International airfare and airport departure tax.
  • Tips for the guide and porter.
  • Any others expenses which are not mentioned on included section.
Dates & PricesBook your trip with confidence
Select a departure month
Starts:MONDAYJUL 29, 2024
Ends:WEDNESDAYAUG 14, 2024
PRICE (Per Person)US$1900
  • We have set date for the upper Mustang trek So, select your date and book the trek & if your preferred date is not listed or if you are more than 12 people then contact us for the group price and for the further process to book the trek.
  • The upper Mustang trek is one of the popular restricted area trekking in Nepal. There should be minimum of 2 people to arrnage the trek and our guarenteed dates have already people booked so,  contact us to sign up on guarenteed date.
  • The available dates are available to book and not have people booked already so, book on these dates if you are 2 or more people or alternatively contact us for the further process for the booking.

Upgrade & Options:

Useful InformationGood to know before you travel

Geography and Weather

The Kali Gandaki River in Mustang runs north to south through the world's deepest gorge, the Kali Gandaki Gorge. It functions as a massive wind tunnel, channeling progressively stronger winds up the gorge starting in the middle of the morning. In the Lower Mustang region, the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri peaks rise on either side of the Kali Gandaki, casting a rain shadow over Upper Mustang. Upper Mustang and Lower Mustang have drastically different climates due to the topography of the region; the former has a semi-arid environment and receives minimal rainfall.

Like other trekking regions, spring and autumn are the most favorable seasons with stable weather and moderate temperatures. As the region lies in the rain shadow area, there is little to no rain during monsoon. So, unlike other popular trekking regions, Upper Mustang welcomes trekkers with its forever dry weather even in the monsoon months. Moreover, the famous Tiji festival that happens at this time also attracts tourists. Winter is too cold and snowy, making trekking extremely difficult. 

Best Time for the Upper Mustang Trek

Any time of year is suitable for a visit to Mustang's distinctive regions. Depending on your travel goals, several times work well to visit Mustang, Nepal. Every one of Mustang's four distinct seasons offers a different trekking experience, topography, and natural setting, along with its own set of advantages. 

Spring (March, April, May)

Everything in Mustang comes to life in the springtime when new plants sprout and flowers bloom. You will be surrounded by the immense magnificence of nature as you walk to Mustang. With the weather expected to be warmer and the lower regions' rivers full of melted snow, now is a great time to explore both lower and upper Mustang. This is the best time of year to go climbing in the Upper Mustang or to cross high passes. In the middle of May, Lo-Manthang hosts the Tiji Festival. There is no better reason to visit in May than for this three-day extravaganza.

Summer/Monsoon (June, July, August)

Upper Mustang is situated in the rain shadow of the Annapurna range. Trips to Upper Mustang in the summertime are therefore pleasant, dry, and well-lit. The trails are in great shape, with long, warm, bright days with breathtaking visibility, and the weather is ideal. Summer is when the rivers and wildlife of Upper Mustang are most abundant. There can be rainy weather in Lower Mustang during the summer or monsoon, which could make the trails on the initial days muddy and treacherous. However, the tiny amount of precipitation improves the area's natural attractiveness. To sum up, the Upper Mustang Trek is among the most breathtaking summer hikes in Nepal.

Autumn/Fall (September, October, November)

Trekking to the Mustang in Nepal is most popular and busy in the fall. You might have to make reservations in advance during the fall season. In the autumn, Mustang typically experiences dry, cool weather with brighter skies. Along the routes, you may observe various mountain ranges. Also, know that the locals here are seasonal migrants who move to lower altitudes during the winter due to intense cold. Therefore, you might have to face problems with accommodation in the month of November.

Winter (December, January, February)

In Mustang, the winters are among the coldest of all, thanks to the tons of snowfall. Some of the tiny peak climbs and high passes may remain shut for your safety. For those looking for a more personal Upper Mustang trip experience and who prefer solitude and challenging hikes, now is the best time to explore Mustang. Due to the severe cold during this season, many Mustang people relocate to a lower altitude and the trekking trails become covered with snow. You need to be prepared with the right tools, supplies, and clothes for an enjoyable winter hike up Upper Mustang.

Trek Preparation

Compared to hikes in the Annapurna and Everest regions, this Upper Mustang walk is less challenging. Nevertheless, you will find this trip difficult, because of its length and variety of difficult walking. If you possess the necessary strength, endurance, and fitness, you can, however, successfully finish your trekking trip. For this reason, you need to train hard to achieve the ideal levels of strength, flexibility, endurance, and fitness for this hike. 

The training regimen should begin 2 to 3 months before the start of the walk. But, if you’re already in good physical shape, you can also begin your training at least 2 weeks prior to this excursion. Essential components of your training regimen include physical training and mental preparation.

Physical Exercises

Physical activities like cardiovascular exercises and weight training are essential for any high-altitude trekking trip. It will improve your fitness level and acquire strength and endurance for the arduous, protracted hike through difficult terrain. Additionally, this exercise program will strengthen your arm, leg, and muscle groups. If you work with weights, you have the option of hiring a personal trainer or training yourself. You can also do practice treks on nearby trails to get experience hiking at high altitudes. Similarly, cardiovascular or aerobic workouts like cycling, swimming, hiking, and jogging will improve your breathing and flexibility. 

Mental Training

The most important but least considered part of every trekking trip is mental preparation. Trekking these amazing high-altitude environments successfully requires mental stability and a good outlook. You can therefore study more about the trek's routes, hazards, and agenda to get ready for it. Additionally, you can perform day treks in the surrounding hills and get guidance from more experienced hikers. Furthermore, you can obtain a positive outlook from other hikers, guides, and self-motivation. All things considered, these mental workouts will aid in your preparation for this amazing Upper Mustang hike.

Accommodation in Upper Mustang

For accommodation in Kathmandu and Pokhara, you will be provided with 3-star standard category rooms on single or twin/double sharing rooms. But there are many different kinds of accommodation available in these cities, ranging from the most affordable to the most lavish. If you'd like, you may upgrade the amenities for an additional fee. 

Nowadays, you can find guesthouses throughout the Upper Mustang trail. The guesthouse is like staying overnight with a local family in one of their rooms that is made ready for the trekkers. The rooms are simple and minimal with just the basic amenities like beds, mattresses, pillows, and blankets. You might have to share a room with other trekkers, but you will get individual beds. Washrooms are also usually communal. Every lodge has a large communal/dining area in the center that is heated and has an inviting fireplace. You can charge your phone and cameras in this area equipped with solar energy. As the Upper Mustang is influenced by Tibetan culture and tradition, the kitchen is like a living room, where everyone sits and chit-chats.

Food options during the Upper Mustang Trek

All meal expenses are included in the package price, with the exception of lunch and dinner in Kathmandu and Pokhara. Both Pokhara and Kathmandu have restaurants with international cuisines. We can suggest one that fits both your style and price range. 

The Upper Mustang excursion offers really good dining, which is a combination of Western and native Nepali/Tibetan dishes. Lunch will be offered en route to our next destination, while breakfast and dinner will be served in the teahouse where we will spend the night. A common, tasty, and fundamental cuisine in the area is Dal Bhat (rice and lentils with seasonal vegetables and pickles). Dal Bhat is usually provided for lunch and for dinner, you can choose from the teahouse menu which usually has momo (dumplings), thukpa (soupy noodles), pasta, fried rice, sandwiches, and so on. Tibetan bread with egg and curry, bread toast, and porridge with tea or coffee are common breakfast foods available.  

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)

Acute Mountain Sickness, also known as Altitude Sickness is one of the most common concerns while trekking in higher altitudes. Altitude is not much of a problem when hiking to Upper Mustang because you will be below 4,000 meters most of the time. This means that even if you experience symptoms of AMS, such as headache, nausea, or vomiting, you will be less likely to get major altitude-related problems.

That being said, you have to use caution when adhering to acclimatization procedures at this high altitude. It is possible for altitude sickness to prove fatal. Medication to prevent altitude sickness, like Diamox, is helpful. Furthermore, the best course of action is to descend at a lower altitude for overnight stays. You should consult with the guides or team leaders in order to take the proper action in case you experience any of the symptoms. Additionally, it's always advisable to speak with the doctors before starting a hike at a greater altitude. 

Trekking Guide and Porters

Any high-altitude hiking expedition in Nepal needs trekking guides. These experts give you the right route guidance in these difficult and isolated areas. They will also assist you if you get lost or hurt while hiking and support you in case of an emergency. In addition, these guides help you in learning about the interesting local culture and history. Their assistance in translating the local language will be provided, along with local insights. Additionally, they will provide you with all the information you require regarding taboos and other topics.

In addition, you have the option to hire porters to assist you with carrying your bags. Porters will lighten your load so you may concentrate on your trip. Outfitter Nepal’s Upper Mustang Trek package comes with experienced trekking guides and porters who carry a total of 22 kg from 2 trekkers.

Packing List

Packing right is very important to make your trekking trip enjoyable. Always remember to carry all the necessities but don’t make your backpack bulky; it’s difficult for you and your porter to carry heavy luggage up and down the steep terrain.

Here’s a rough idea of what you should pack for the trek:

  • Trekking shirts and pants
  • Down jacket
  • Windproof jacket
  • Fleece jackets
  • Thermal wears
  • Trekking boots
  • Woolen trekking socks
  • Warm woolen cap
  • Woolen gloves
  • Water purifying tablets or water filtration bottles
  • First aid with regular medicines 
  • Sun hat
  • Sunscreen 
  • Toiletries
Client ReviewsTravelers talk about Outfitter Nepal
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    René SItaly,November 18, 2019
    rating star

    Upper Mustang Trek

    One of the best adventures in my life, thanks to this company and its people. They are very well prepared, they know very well the trek over the Himalayas, and they are very friendly.

    Highly recommendable for all the travelers.

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