Amphu Lapcha Pass with Island and Mera Peak - 25 Days

Two Peaks Climb: Amphu Lapcha Pass with Island and Mera Peak Cost and Itinerary 2024, 2025
Amphu Lapcha Pass with Island and Mera Peak
What to see & doSpecific information about Amphu Lapcha Pass with Island and Mera Peak - 25 Days
  • Duration25 Days
  • Trip Grade Very Strenuous
  • Max Altitude 6,476M
  • Starts at Kathmandu
  • Ends at Kathmandu
  • Trip Style Lodge and Tented Camp
  • Group Size 8
  • Transportation Private Vehicles and Plane
  • Best Season March, April, May, and Sept, Oct, Nov

The Amphu Lapha Pass Trek with Island and Mera Peak is an astonishing expedition that offers travelers unparalleled adventure among Nepal's majestic mountain peaks. This expedition involves conquering towering mountains, embracing the beauty of the Himalayas, pushing your limits, and creating memories for a lifetime. The stunning Mera Peak, Island Peak, and Amphu Lapcha Pass lie at the heart of this trek. These two formidable natural landmarks stand as a testament to Nepal's natural grandeur and resilience to the human spirit. Mera Peak stands at an astounding height of 6,476 m, beckoning travelers with its panoramic vistas and awe-inspiring summit. On the other hand, the towering Amphu Lapcha Pass stands at an elevation of 5,845 m and serves as a gateway between the Khumbum and Hongu Valleys.

The Amphu Lapha Pass Trek route weaves through a tapestry of landscapes, from rugged to lush vegetation, offering travelers like you an ever-changing backdrop during the journey. The trek begins from Lukla, the gateway to the Everest region. The trail takes you through quaint villages like Pangom, Paiya, and Ramai Danda. In these places, you will experience the warm hospitality of the local people. As you make your way higher into the mountains, the scenery becomes more beautiful and dramatic, with the glacial valleys and majestic peaks unfolding before you. Along the way, you will hike past Kothey, Chhatra Khola, and Thangnak, where you will rest to acclimatize and soak the natural beauty of your surroundings. Besides, it is not just the scenery that makes the route special, but the rest days ensure you are well-prepared to face the challenges ahead. As a result, with each step you take, you will feel resilient, stronger, and in tune with the rhythm of the mystical mountains.

Moreover, you will have the expertise of our experienced guides, who will ensure your safety and comfort every step of the way. The rewards of this trek are beyond measure. From the excitement of conquering the summit of Mera Peak to the thrill of accomplishment with crossing Amphu Lapcha Pass, every moment of this journey is a testament to your determination and courage. On the other hand, perhaps this adventure's reward is connecting with nature in its purest form. You will witness the beauty of the Himalayas and create memories that will last forever in your life. So, if you are willing to embark on this exciting journey, join us on the Amphu Lapcha Pass with Island and Mera Peak. Our well-tailored itinerary, unwavering support, and expert guidance will make your dreams a reality.

Amphu Lapha Pass with Island and Mera Peak Route

If you seek a challenging high-altitude climbing and trekking adventure in Nepal, this package is the right option. The Amphu Lapcha Pass with Island and Mera Peak takes you to a remote, off-beaten bath in the Khumbu region of Nepal. The trails pass through less populated areas, surrounded by bamboo and rhododendron forests. Moving ahead, you will spend the night at Mera and Island Base Camp before summiting these majestic peaks. This expedition involves a moderate hike up the Himalayan regions, and only the last section of the journey requires technical climbing. Although the high-altitude trek can be challenging, the glorious views of Mount Everest, Lhotse, Kanchenjunga, Cho Oyu, and Makalu make it more enjoyable. After conquering the summit, you will head toward Upper Hongku Valley, hiking along mesmerizing landscapes. You will spend the night at Amphu Lapcha Base Camp before ascending the mountain pass covered with serac cliffs and ice shelves. The route uphill is technical and will require technical climbing abilities. Also, you will need the help of equipment such as ice aze, jumpers, and fixed ropes to complete the climb successfully. After crossing the Amphu La Pass, you will descend to Chukkung and hike to Namche, Phakding, and Lukla in the upcoming days. During the journey, you will go through the Dudh Koshi Valley, home to several Sherpa settlements. This allows you to experience the culture and hospitality of the community up close and personal. The expedition also takes you to the heart of two famous national parks in Nepal, the Sagarmatha National Park and Makalu Barun National Park. These conservation areas are home to rare animals such as red panda, snow leopard, Himalayan black bear, and Himalayan tahr. The Amphu Lapcha Pass with Island and Mera Peak suits travelers who have previously trekked in high-altitude regions. For this trek, climbing experience is not mandatory, but you must have basic knowledge of using the gears and equipment. In addition, our qualified guides will also teach you how to rappel and abseil using ropes during the pre-climb training camp.

Best Season for Your Mera Peak Climbing

Choosing the best season for your Amphu Lapcha Pass trek is crucial to ensuring an enjoyable and successful adventure. Autumn and spring are the best times to begin climbing on your island and Mera Peak. We provide you with a comprehensive guide on these two seasons, which will help you determine the season you will be traveling in.

Autumn (September, October and November):

Autumn is one of the best seasons to begin the Amphu Lapcha Pass with the Island and Mera peak trek. This season offers you clear skies and stable weather conditions. During this time of the year, the days are characterized by warm sunshine and optimal visibility of the mountain panoramas. The trails you will be hiking on will be dry, allowing you to navigate the rugged terrains of the Khumbu region.

Spring (March, April, and May):

Spring is another option for you to undertake the expedition. This season features mild temperature conditions and lush vegetation in the surroundings. The weather remains stable, with minimal perceptions and clear skies most days. These elements make it an ideal time to travel and enjoy the breathtaking views of the Khumbu region. During Spring, nature revives from the winter slumber, and the trail bursts with colorful flowers. This enhances the aesthetic of the landscape and creates a picturesque backdrop for your exciting journey. However, due to the unpredictable weather conditions of the high-altitude region, be prepared for occasional rainfall and snowfalls.

Amphu Lapcha Pass with Island and Mera Peak Trek Difficulty

This trek expedition entails a thrilling yet relaxing journey through the rugged and rocky terrains of the beautiful Khumni region. While this journey promises extraordinary experiences and unparalleled vistas, it carries specific difficulties and risks. Thus, trekkers must approach the trek with meticulous preparation and caution. The trip commences as the trail traverses through challenging landscapes, which include steep ascents, rocky trails, and dense fitness. So, the trek demands high endurance and physical fitness to complete without much hassle. Moreover, the Amphu Lapcha Pass presents obstacles like navigating narrow paths and technical sections. On the other hand, altitude sickness is another significant concern. As you ascend the towering height of Island Peak and Mera Peak, you will reach an astounding altitude of 6,000. Adequate hydration, gradual ascent, and proper acclimatization are necessary to mitigate the risk of altitude sickness and avoid its symptoms during the ascent. Besides, the unpredictable weather conditions of the mountains might further complicate the trek, as potential snow storms and heavy rail falls will pose a challenge along the route. Trekkers must, therefore, be prepared for these scenarios and equipped with gear and equipment to deal with the harsh mountain environment.

Preparation For Islands Peak and Mera Peak with Amphu Lapcha Pass

An excellent trek over high altitude awaits you in the Himalayas, and an exciting climb to Island Peak and Mera Peak will await you on this trip. To enjoy the best elements of this journey, we advise you to keep in mind the serious nature of this expedition and exercise regularly four to six months before the trek. You will be hiking and climbing high-elevation regions for several days with a day pack weighing over 10 kg. Please prioritize your training regime in the following ways to keep yourself fit and prepared for the trek:

  • Strength training- For core muscles and lower body
  • Cardiovascular training- Aerobic and weight workouts
  • Flexibility training- Yoga and stretches
  • Climbing conditioning – Jogging, stair climbing, cycling and swimming

Most people must train for this expedition for four to five months. During the training session, you must progress and effectively build the strength and endurance to condition your body for the trek.

How Much Does This Trip Cost?

The total cost of the Amphu Lapcha Pass depends on the type of services you have chosen and the size of the group. Outfitters Nepal organizes different trips because we tailor our packages to our client's needs and preferences. The Amphu Lapcha Pass with Island and Mera Peak costs USD 4000. So, prepare for an exciting journey tailored to your interests, whether you are looking for a luxurious getaway or a budget-friendly adventure. You can leave the planning to us, and we will take care of the details and ensure your trip is memorable.

ItineraryTrip day to day detail itinerary

Welcome to Kathmandu as you land at the Tribhuvan International Airport, claim your luggage, and finish customs formalities such as obtaining your Visa. Outside the terminal, our representative from OutFitters Nepal will be waiting to greet you, holding your name card. After a brief introduction, you will be transferred to your hotel in a private vehicle. You can spend the rest of the day recovering from the jet lag and visiting the Thamel market in the evening.

    After enjoying an early morning breakfast, you will have a brief trip meeting with your trek leader, guide, and other members. During the session, you will receive all the necessary details about the trek ahead. Also, we advise you to bring three passport-sized photos, a copy of your passport, and a travel insurance policy.

      The day starts with an early morning flight from Kathmandu to Lukla via the domestic airport. During the scenic 35-minute flight, you will witness gorgeous natural landscapes, rivers, hills, and village settlements. Upon your arrival at the Tenzing-Hillary airport, you will meet the rest of the team and have a quick briefing about the trek ahead. The trail ahead goes opposite to the route to Everest Base Camp and heads towards the Makalu Barun Conservation Area. Moving ahead, follow a straightforward path along small streams and serene Buddhist monasteries and hike for 5 hours to reach the village of Chutanga.

        Today's hike will be much more challenging than yesterday as you cross the Zatrawala Pass. The trek begins as you ascend through barren fields and rhododendron forests. Enjoy the stunning view of the Dudh Koshi River and push yourself on the steep terrain. After 3-4 hours of hiking, you will finally arrive at Zatrabok, today's destination. Soak in the expansive view, and drink plenty of water to avoid dehydrating yourself.

          After breakfast, you will resume the hike and descend to Kothe village in the Hingku valley. As you move on, you will climb a ridge north of Zatrabok. Eventually, the trail begins to descend, and you can enjoy a relaxing hike through the rhododendron forest. We will have a quick break for lunch and resume our trek as we make our way through the wonderful pine forest to reach the beautiful village of Kothe. The dramatic view from here offers you a wonderful panorama of the landscape and snow-capped mountains around you.

            You begin the trek early in the morning and enter the high mountains of the Khumbu region. Following the trail, you will pass small settlements along the way and mani walls. Moving ahead, you will also come across a 200-year-old Buddhist gompa along the trail, which is worth the visit. Upon arriving at Thangnak, we will set up camp and spend the dusk watching the beautiful sunset over the majestic mountains.

              Today's hike is scenic. It takes you to the final village settlement before climbing the majestic Mera Peak. As you leave Thangnak behind, you will climb a moraine below a glacial lake. The short ascent takes around half an hour to complete. Further, gradually descend to reach a small river and hike along the banks to reach Dig Kharka, a grazing area. After soaking in the beautiful surroundings, resume the hike and walk for another hour and a half to reach the village of Khare.

                The seventh day of the expedition is a rest day, as you will acclimatize to adjust your body to the increasing altitude. We spend the day exploring the nearby areas and admiring the beautiful views of the mountains. We will enjoy lunch in the afternoon and explore Sabai Tso, a glacial lake. We will stay overnight at Khare in a Mountain lodge.

                  The ascent to Mera Peak begins after a four-hour hike to the Mera Base Camp. After spending days hiking in the high-altitude region, today will be the day when you will be rewarded with an exquisite mountaineering experience. The trek starts as you climb a moraine for an hour and a half to reach the foot of Mera Glacier. You will then cross a boulder field and step onto the magnificent glacier. After climbing the snow slop and reaching a plateau, move on ahead to the Mera Base Camp. After setting up a tent, we hydrate and enjoy our meal to conserve our energy for tomorrow.

                    Today, the distance is small, but the altitude gain makes the hike challenging. Nonetheless, you will be rewarded with panoramic views of the majestic mountains from the spectacular campsite. The route to Mera High Camp is straightforward, as you will hike along mellow terrain and avoid ice crevasses.

                      The journey ahead is challenging but incredibly rewarding. You will go to Mera Peak, in the heart of the Himalayas. You will wake up at two in the morning and consume food and water to energize yourself for the trek ahead. After four hours of constant effort, you will reach the south summit of Mera Peak. From here, hike to the central summit tower and enjoy the dramatic view of the surrounding icy landscape. Eventually, we retrace our steps and descend back to high camp and Mera Base Camp, where we will spend the night.

                        After yesterday's challenging hike, you will enjoy a blissful hike to lower altitudes today. The path ahead will pass through uninhabited areas with tiny shepherd huts and hamlets. By the time you are at the base of the valley, you will hike on short grass, admiring marvelous views of Hongku Chuli. After you arrive at the Honku Valley, we will choose a flat spot to set up camp for the night.

                          Like yesterday's hike, today's journey is quite relaxing, as you will cover a distance in flat terrain. Start the day by following the trail along the Gusing River. Along the way, you will marvel at Chamlang, a 7,300-meter mountain, which dominates much of the view today. Eventually, the trail ahead begins to bend towards the Hunku Glacier, where you will encounter a series of lakes. After hours of hiking, you will finally reach Panch Pokhari, our destination today. We will set up camp in an ideal spot and prepare for a chilly night.

                            We will rest today and marvel at Panch Pokhari's beautiful aesthetic. We will explore the surrounding area and take pictures to create new memories on this exciting expedition. We will spend the night at camp, like we did yesterday.

                              Today's hike is stunning, with beautiful views of mountains and lakes; after leaving Panch Pokhari, head northeast and climb the steep mountain towards Amphu Labsta. At the top of the beautiful moraine, you will come across a serene lake surrounded by majestic mountains. Resume the hike alongside the lake until you reach the destination for today. The campsite here is exquisitely magnificent, as you can enjoy astonishing views of the surrounding landscape.

                                Begin the exciting day with a gentle climb to the foot of the glacier just below the Amphu Lapcha. Be careful, as some sections of the trail are quite steep. Use fixed ropes to navigate the tricky terrain to the Amphu Lapcha Pass. Keep in mind that the route we take will depend on the time of the year we will be trekking. Regardless, you will be rewarded with wonderful views of Mount Everest and Lhotse along the way.

                                  Today's hike offers some of the best scenery. After breakfast, you will walk alongside the magnificent Imja Tso Lake and head north. Eventually, the trail will lead you east, so remember to take pictures of frozen lakes with the view of Baruntse in the background. Follow the path to the easter end of the lake and make a gradual ascent to the Island Peak Base Camp. After your arrival, set up camp and enjoy the dramatic view of the surroundings with a warm meal.

                                    Unlike other mountaineering expeditions, the hike to Island Peak High Camp is short and easy. We ascend from the Imja valley and continue hiking through glaciers and icy landscapes until we reach High Camp. We will stay overnight and prepare for the summit the next day.

                                      As the sun rises, put up your crampons and begin climbing over the glacier. Remember that sizeable crevasses are ahead, and you must navigate correctly to avoid them in the dark. Move gradually towards the south face of the island peak with the help of fixed ropes. Eventually, you will arrive at a ridge leading you to the Island Peak summit. From the top, you will enjoy astounding views around you. Afterward, we will retrace the trail and go to Island Peak Base Camp for the night.

                                        Today's hike is easy. We will descend for five to six hours. You will follow the trail through the wide valley of Khumbu Khola. Along the way, we will pass several beautiful villages, such as Shomare and Orsho. Depending on your preference, we can visit the Gompa located at Upper Pangboche or go directly to the town.

                                          After having an early morning breakfast, we resume our hike and descend to the Imja Khola through the dense rhododendron forest and towards the Tengboche monastery. It is an excellent opportunity for you to witness the nuns perform their religious ceremonies. Eventually, we will enjoy our lunch and continue our hike by crossing the suspension bridge over the Dudh Koshi River. The trail ahead descends through pine forests before reaching the village of Sansa. After walking for 5 hours in the serene landscapes of the Khumbu region, you will finally arrive at Namche Bazaar.

                                            Today is the final day of trekking as we make our way to Lukla, the starting point of our expedition. You will also reflect on your memories with other group members. Today's hike is short, allowing you to explore the markets of Lukla or enjoy a hot shower and relax.

                                              We board an early morning scenic flight from Lukla to Kathmandu. After you arrive at the airport, our staff members will transfer you to the hotel in a private vehicle. You can spend the rest of the time relaxing in the comfort of your hotel room. Remember that you will have a farewell dinner with our staff members, where we will share our experience of this remarkable journey.

                                                It is a leisure day that you can utilize to explore the city and stroll around the busy markets of Thamel and Basntapur. It is also an opportunity to buy souvenirs for your loved ones back home. On the other hand, you can also visit world heritage sites around Kathmandu, which we can conveniently arrange on short notice.

                                                  The exciting Amphu Lapcha Pass with Island and Mera Peak ends today, but the memories you made along the way will last a lifetime. Our representatives from Outfitter Nepal will pick you up from your hotel approximately three hours before your scheduled flight. If you want to extend your stay in Nepal, please reach out to us so we can recommend or arrange a trek package according to your interests and preferences.

                                                    Customize Trip
                                                    Cost DetailsGood to know before trip booking
                                                    What's Included
                                                    • Complimentary airport pickup and drop service.
                                                    • Accommodation in a 3-star category hotel in Kathmandu.
                                                    • Best available accommodation in teahouses and lodges during the trek with the best facilities.
                                                    • Tented accommodation during the climb.
                                                    • Flight from Kathmandu to Lukla and vice-versa.
                                                    • Meals include breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
                                                    • Professional guide, assistant guide, and necessary porters.
                                                    • Food, accommodation, salary, transportation, equipment, and insurance for our staff members.
                                                    • Climbing guide from the base camp to the summit and back to the base camp.
                                                    • Gears and equipment such as trekking poles, Ice hammers, Snow bars, Climbing ropes, and Ice screws.
                                                    • Complimentary use of down jacket, sleeping bag, and duffel bag.
                                                    • Outfitter Nepal t-shirt, cap, and trekking map.
                                                    • Well-equipped first aid kit and oximeter.
                                                    • Permits and documentation needed for the expedition.
                                                    • All official service charges and government taxes.
                                                    What's not Included
                                                    • International airfare and tax.
                                                    • Charge for Nepal Visa process.
                                                    • Excess baggage charge or fine.
                                                    • Travel Insurance.
                                                    • There may be an additional stay in Kathmandu or on the route due to delays, unforeseen circumstances such as illness, and unpredictable weather conditions.
                                                    • Meals and beverages outside of the itinerary.
                                                    • Personal trekking gear and equipment.
                                                    • Tips for guides and porters.
                                                    • Personal expenses include bar bills, phone calls, battery recharge, laundry, boiled water, hot showers, Wi-Fi, and extra porters.
                                                    • Anything else that is not listed in the “Included section.”
                                                    Useful InformationGood to know before you travel

                                                    Accommodation During Mera and Island Peak Climbing with Amphu Lapcha Trek

                                                    Accommodation for the expedition will be arranged at three-star rated hotels in Kathmandu. However, we can elevate the standards of the hotels to meet your needs and preferences. On the other hand, accommodations will be arranged at local lodges and teahouses along the trek route. The expert local crew and guides will set up tents at places like Mera Peak and Island Peak Base camps. The teahouses available throughout the trek are well-equipped and facilitated. The room will be provided on a twin-sharing basis, but if you prefer to stay single, we can arrange that. Most tea houses feature a basic washroom, and some have Western-style toilets. You can enjoy the facilities of the attached bathroom and hot showers at a specific additional charge. While climbing, you will spend the night in the tent. Our team will carry all the necessary equipment to ensure your comfortable stay.

                                                    Food and Water on Mera and Island Peak Climbing with Amphu Lapcha Trek

                                                    During the Amphu Lapcha Pass with the Island and Mera Peak expedition, you will enjoy typical Nepali, Tibetan, and Indian dishes. Additionally, you will be able to enjoy Western-style and continental dishes during your stay in Kathmandu as well. The meals will be served per the menu provided in the lodges and tea houses. Among these options, we recommend incorporating dal bhat and tarkari into your daily diet. It will give you all the nutrients and carbohydrates your body needs. While on camp, our staff members will cook and serve meals to you. We include eggs, oatmeal, muesli, toast, noodles, mashed potatoes, macaroni, etc.

                                                    Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) Symptoms and Prevention

                                                    When you trek in the Himalayas's high-altitude region, you must be cautious regarding the AMS or Acute Mountain Sickness risk. You will suffer from the early signs of the illness if you rapidly gain altitude without taking any rest days for acclimatization. Thus, our itinerary has incorporated adequate rest days for your safety and well-being. Read below to learn more about the symptoms and preventive measures of the AMS.

                                                    Symptoms of altitude sickness

                                                    • Light-headedness or dizziness
                                                    • Restlessness and difficulty sleeping
                                                    • Headache
                                                    • Fatigue
                                                    • Nausea or vomiting
                                                    • Headache
                                                    • Loss of appetite
                                                    • Shortness of breath

                                                    Preventive measures

                                                    • Rest days are needed to acclimate your body to the changing environment.
                                                    • Keep yourself hydrated.
                                                    • Avoid drinking caffeinated and alcoholic beverages.
                                                    • Hike gradually, and do not push yourself.
                                                    • Eat healthy meals, which include leafy green vegetables.
                                                    • Inform the guide if you feel any early symptoms.

                                                    Packing List For Amphu Lapcha Pass with Island and Mera Peak

                                                    The adventure ahead must be addressed with care and comfort throughout the journey. During the trekking and climbing, you will experience diverse climatic zones as the trails pass through alpine and subtropical regions. Therefore, you must be prepared by packing the right gear and equipment to deal with the diverse environmental conditions. They can be bought or rented in the shops in Thamel, Kathmandu. Here is a brief outlook on the items you must pack for the expedition.

                                                    • Trekking Poles
                                                    • Trekking Boots
                                                    • Light Trekking Shoes
                                                    • Headlamp
                                                    • Climbing Boots
                                                    • Climbing Helmet
                                                    • Crampons
                                                    • Ascender and Descender
                                                    • Ice Axes
                                                    • Harness
                                                    • Climbing Ropes
                                                    • Sun and Wool Hat
                                                    • Glacier Glasses
                                                    • Liner, Insulated, and Mitten Gloves
                                                    • Stretch Pants
                                                    • Lightweight and Down Jacket
                                                    • Liner and Woolen Socks
                                                    • Gaiters
                                                    • Camera
                                                    • Water Bottle
                                                    • Sleeping Bag
                                                    • First Aid Kit
                                                    • Lip Guard
                                                    • Sun cream (high SPF)
                                                    • Water purifier (drops/tablets)
                                                    • Books/journals, pen
                                                    • Play cards
                                                    • Toiletries

                                                    Travel Insurance

                                                    Travel insurance is mandatory to join any high-altitude trek or mountain expeditions in Nepal. This will cover the total medical and emergency evacuation expenses during the trek. The Amphu Lapcha Pass trek takes you to the remote areas of the Khumbu region, and you need to be prepared for any accidents or mishaps. So, travel insurance is necessary for this journey as well because it covers the following:

                                                    • Emergency evacuation costs
                                                    • Hospitalized medical expenses
                                                    • Repatriation cost
                                                    • Trip interruption

                                                    After you book the trek with us, please ensure that the travel insurance provides sufficient coverage for adventure activities above 5,000 m. To mitigate the potential risk involved with this high-altitude expedition, provide us with a copy of your travel insurance. It will enable us to make swift arrangements to assist in your medical attention and emergency helicopter evacuation.

                                                    Environmental Practices

                                                    Over the years, protecting the fragile environment of Nepal's Himalayan regions has become essential. We design and plan our itinerary using sustainable measures to preserve its natural beauty and resources. We Carry our waste back from the base camps and do not leave any debris on the trails. While traveling with us, you will adopt sustainable environmental practices, encourage tourism, and support the region's local communities.

                                                    Booking Procedures

                                                    The booking process with Outfitter Nepal is simple and convenient. You can browse through your website and select a desired trip. The payment can be made securely online or through cash, credit, or debit card. To book a trip with us, you have to pay 10% of the total payment, and the rest of the amount can be paid after your arrival. For further personalized assistance, you can contact our customer service directly.

                                                    With over two decades of experience in organizing exceptional and authentic trips and expeditions, Outfitter Nepal is one of the best travel agencies in Nepal. We offer our clients guided treks and tours catering to their needs and preferences. Our involvement and recognition with the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) and Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal (TAAM) guarantee high standards and reliability. Whether it is a jungle safari in the dense forest of Nepal or a trek to the high-altitude regions of Nepal, we offer your personalized service and hospitality.

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